Copyright is the exclusive right of the creator that arises automatically based on the declarative principle after a work is realized in tangible form without reducing restrictions in accordance with statutory provisions.
Related Rights are rights relating to Copyright which are exclusive rights for performers, phonogram producers, or broadcasters.
Copyright constitutes an intellectual property that has the broadest scope of protected objects, because it protects science, artistic and literary works including computer programs. The development of the creative economy which is one of the mainstays of Indonesia and various countries and the rapid development of information and communication technology requires the renewal of the Copyright Act, bearing in mind that Copyright is the most important basis of the national creative economy. With the Copyright Act that meets the elements of protection and development of the creative economy, it is expected that the contribution of the Copyright and Related Rights sectors to the country’s economy can be optimized.
Books, computer programs, pamphlets, appearance (layout) of published works, and all other written works;
Teachings, lectures, speeches and other similar creations;
Props made for the benefit of education and science;
Songs or music with or without texts;
Drama or musical drama, dance, choreography, puppetry, and pantomime;
Fine art in all forms such as painting, drawing, sculpture, calligraphy, sculpture, sculpture, collage and applied arts;
Batik Art;
Translations, interpretations, adaptations, pastiche, and other works resulting from the translation.
Copyright Protection: Lifetime of Creator + 70 Years.
Computer Program: 50 years since it was first published.
Drama Play: 50 years since it was first shown.
Recordings Production: 50 years since establishment
Broadcast Institution: 20 years since its first broadcast