Pulungan Wiston & Partners at 125th AIPPI World Congress 2022 in San Francisco
2022 has been a very special year for all members of AIPPI. After 3 years of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions in most parts of the world, we finally meet each other again at AIPPI World Congress in San Francisco, from September 10 Through 13, 2022. Pulungan Wiston & Partners is pleased to be able to attend this year’s meeting after almost 3 years of global restrictions due to the Covide-19 pandemic.
Our Ms Novita Sari Pulungan SH from Pulungan Wiston & Partners is one of the individual members of AIPPI who had also a great time attending the Grand Finale of the 125th Anniversary of AIPPI World Congress to meeting our friends and colleagues from all over the world and gaining new perspectives on current global IP issues.
What is AIPPI?
If you are not familiar with AIPPI and AIPPI World Congress, it is the world’s leading not-for-profit association dedicated to the development and improvement of laws for the protection of intellectual property. It is a politically neutral, non-profit organisation, based in Switzerland with about 8000 members worldwide from more than 131 countries.
In French, AIPPI stands for Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle, or in English, The International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, known as AIPPI.
As reflected in their website (https://aippi.org), AIPPI’s main objective is to improve and promote the protection of intellectual property on both international and national bases by working for the development, expansion and improvement of international and regional treaties and agreements and national laws relating to intellectual property.
AIPPI is an organisation which has been shaping IP for over 120 years.
AIPPI is conducting studies of existing national laws and proposes measures to achieve harmonization of these laws on an international basis. Where appropriate, AIPPI intervenes with submissions before major courts and legislative bodies to advocate for strengthened IP protection.
Members of AIPPI are individuals interested in intellectual property protection on a national or international level.
They include lawyers, patent attorneys, patent agents and trademark agents, as well as judges, scientists and engineers. They also include corporations.
If you are interested in joining AIPPI, you may check their website at https://aippi.org/join-now/
AIPPI Meetings
AIPPI World Congress is held annually in September or October. It is open to all members with accompanying persons.

In this AIPPI World Congress meeting, pending Study Questions concerning international law are discussed and decisions are taken on a consensual basis. The Executive Committee convenes at each Congress. The Council of Presidents also meets annually during each Congress.
The primary purpose of AIPPI World Congress is to undertake studies of IP laws. This attracts to AIPPI’s meetings leading practitioners, corporations, academics and other parties interested in IP from all over the world. Naturally, these meetings, at which issues are discussed and worked on in small groups and in plenary sessions, interspersed with social functions, provide an excellent opportunity for members to meet and build personal and professional relationships.
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